Apart from hatha yoga, We focus not only on physical health but also on other areas like Bakthi Yoga , Gyana Yoga and councelling for mental health issues.

What is Heart disease?

The term “heart disease” refers to several types of heart conditions. The most common type of heart disease  is coronary artery disease (CAD), which affects the blood flow to the heart. Decreased blood flow can cause a heart attack

.High blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, and smoking are key risk factors for heart disease


Total number of Sessions = 16 with each session lasting for minimum 1 hour.

1 st quarter ( first 4 sessions)

  1. Basic preparatory Movements
  2. Pawan Mukthasana series 1
  3. Muha dhouti
  4. Physical Awreness Meditation
  5. Mental Awreness Meditation
  6. Sun salutation
  7. Yogic Breathing
  8. Ujjayi Pranayama
  9. Preparation of mind with Gyana yoga and Bakthi Yoga

2nd quarter (Next 4 sessions)

  1.  Food Diet
  2. Anotomy
  3. Makarasana
  4. Saral Bhujangasana
  5. uttanapadasna
  6. Anathasana 1 & 2
  7. Ushtrasana
  8. Artha Matsyenrasana
  9. Anulom Vilom Pranayama
  10. Brahmari Pranayama
  11. Yoga Nidr
  12. Sheetali Inhale brahmari exhale

3rd quarter (next 4 sessions)

  1. Trikonasana
  2. Veerasana
  3. Sarvangasana
  4. Halasana
  5. Matsyasana
  6. Shsankasana
  7. Pawan mukthasana series 2
  8. Akarna Dhanurasana
  9. Preparation of mind with Gyana yoga and Bakthi Yoga

4th quarter (final 4 sessions)

  1. Revision of all three sessions
  2. Uddiyana Bandha
  3. Surya bhedana with Kumbhak
  4. Bastrika with kumbhak
  5. Anulom Vilom
  6. Preparation of mind with Gyana yoga and Bakthi Yoga




Normal Food with Less Fats & Carbohydrates but with in High Fibres. Best food is Fruits (except banana, mango & grapes ) & Vegetables.


Sugar, Sugar cane, Nonveg food, Milk & Milk Products, Rice, Oily & Spicy Food, Refined Foods, Fast Food, Preserved Food.


It helps in reduction of weight and cleance our intestine.

First Day – Only Fruits and Raw Vegetables (No other food should be taken)

Second day – Only Water with Lemon Juice & Salt (no other food should be taken)

Third day – Only Juices & Soupes (liquid diet only)

At the end of the program you can have a permanent guidance from us by way of attending our free yoga sessions & free Bakthi Gyana yoga knowledges in conference call everyday

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We request you to fill this form to know the cost and other details.

Feel free to ask any doubts you have.

We are always at your sevrvice

The following table shows the daily practice program for you. The time and minutes quoted here is the maximum you can try to achieve. Please never try any thing beyond your capacity. you can use this for your easy reference and remembereance only.

Program for Heart Care

NoAsana/ Yoga techniqueDuration In Minutes/rounds
1Ohmkar Chanting5 min
2Basic warm up. TTK and neck rotation20 min
3Sun Salutation8 rounds in 12 min
4Shavasana2 min
5Bhujangasana2 rounds in 1 min
6Makarasana2 min
7Supta Vajrasana1 min
8Ushtrasana2 min
9Shasankasana1 min
10Artha Matsyendrasana both sides5 min
11Anantasana 1 & 21 min each
12Shavasana2 min
13Anulom Vilom deep breathing10 min
14Ujjayi with out kumbhak10 min
15Sheetali Inhale & Bramari Exhale10 min
16Yoga NidraOnce a day
17prayer Chanting5 min
18Listen Ohm chanting with mantra box through out nightduring sleep
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