In modern times people have become Perpetually busy. This state of continuous mental and physical activity robs us of the strength and vitality that comes with wholeness. Our minds are constantly filled with the distractions and issues that fill our daily working and personal life even at the time of sleep people or unable to truly relax and awake just as exhausted as the night before.
Sleep is a natural process and yet few approach their sleep with the intention that it deserves. Rest becomes just one more of our daily routine for which we struggle to find time.
The practice of yoganidra or psychic sleep is not sleep as normal term implies, but a process of complete mental and physical relaxation. Guided by verbal instructions and visualisations, the practitioner actively relaxes the various parts of the body and uses techniques to arise any and all tensions from the body and mind.
Profound relaxation and peace of mind bring with them the true transformative powers of the subconscious and unconscious mind. The practice of yogra tax into the subtitle farms produces meaningful rest while revitalising the body and mind.
Yoganidra resembles the practice of shava Sana as both or performed in the same position however savasana focuses merely on the physical body while, yoganidra begins to go deeper to attend relaxation on the mental as well as emotional levels.
We all know that we can be our own worst enemies when it comes to anxiety and stress often the source of our physical problems is the tension and worry that we create a harbour within ourselves by cultivating profound relaxation and releasing stress at this level the body is restored to a more complete straight with greater mental strength and confidence the body is then better acquired to hell itself while becoming immune to future stresses.
In this way yoganidra is an effective component of any treatment plan. Those suffering from insomnia diabetes hypertension as well as other elements will find significant recovery through the practice of yoganidra. All that the patient has to do is to declare a firm intention of becoming cured of his ailment. take this first step and leave the rest to yoganidra.
Yoganidra essay continual process of relaxation usually practiced for 30 to 40 minutes the practices should lie in javasan on a firm but comfortable surface such as yoga mat or a carpet. A tine sheets can be used to avoid becoming child if applicable. The surroundings should be calm and without destruction so I scheduled room is best people moving around cell phones and other noises will disturb the practice and d feet the purpose the room should be well ventilated but not mean the to avoid falling sleep keep the room illuminated all the light which is to bright will also become a distraction.
It is best not to practice after a mean as the body temperature falls during the yoganidra process as reserved of this temperature decreases the secretions of enzymes and digestive juices hampered. So hello 3 hours after meals before practicing.
Try to stick to definite time and place for yoganandhra with a regular time the body and mind or best turn on receive yoganidra instruction. Abrupt change in time or place make create some appreciations and can be counter productive to the relaxation process if you are finding it difficult to relax into the process try making small adjustments to your body and links to find and optimal physical position. If unrest and tension stop yoginithra for that end concentrate on Shavasana only.
Since both the body and the mind or in a pleasant state of relaxation odds are high that the candidate will fall asleep there is no harm in sleeping however falling asleep means depriving one self of the significant benefits of yoganandhra so instruct yourself in advance not to succumb to sleep.
You must institute in yourself the habit of rejecting any outside dispropins or sound other than instructions being received instruct yourself to remind immune to any external sensation failing to attend this to indulge the census Sai tracking do not engage in the thoughts that in clude mind let them simply passed by an attended while keeping your focus on the process at hand do not become distructed.
Yoganidra is a simple process and no expect guide or training is needed all that is required this to give time to the process of instruction audio instructions or important the use of recorded instructions you free from memorizing the sequence of instructions as allows for the deepest of relaxation to take place not available to you you may make your own recording use the yoganidra sequence listed by our guru satyanandha Saraswati.
Yoganidra takes the practitioner to the border line street between walking in sleeping where in an almost trance like state, they can go beyond the service of the year ago to the end of the awakening process should be gradual and gentle as to not strong or disturb the practitioner.
Yoganidra practice will surely bring increased vitality to your life do not waste your walking hours in a has he straight due to lack of proper rest. Through the profound and efficient relaxation of your mind and body you will enjoy the transformative piece of mind that is yours through yoganidra.